Concertina Bag
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Split Legs Paramotor Harness LOW Hook-In pointsLight Clinch Bag |
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charlieg85 (Saturday, 29 August 2015)
I recently bought a paramotor and needed a reserve parachute and a concertina bag for the wing. Then a friend recommended me to look on the website of
Apco, here I found everything I was looking for and more, the concertina is of very good quality perfect endings, does not bring the outer belt but I
bought other brands and neither bring. the only thing I recommend is to mention that you send the color which is on the page or your choice, I forget
that., I really'm super happy with my reserve parachute I found it in clearance a very good price and , Apco made really quick and neat delivery,
customer care I provide me was excellent, they answered all my email quickly and very profecional really recommend buying with Apco 100% is totally
reliable and high quality productrnrnhace poco compre un paramotor y necesitaba un paracaida de reserva y una concertina bolsa para la wing .
entonces un amigo me recomendo mirar en la web de Apco, aqui encontre todo lo que me estaba buscando y mas, La concertina es de muy buena calidad
perfectas terminaciones, no trae el cinto exterior pero he comprado de otras marcas y tampoco lo traen. lo unico que les recomiendo es que mencionen
que le envien el color que esta en la pagina o el de su eleccion , yo me olvide de eso., Yo realmente estoy super conforme con mi paracaidas de
reserva lo encontre en especial a muy buen precio y , Apco hizo el envio realmente rapido y prolijo , la atencion al cliente que me brindo fue
excelente , contestaron todos mis email rapidamente y con mucho profecional realmente recomiendo comprar con Apco 100% es totalmente confiable y
producto de gran calidad
jcorrea (Thursday, 04 September 2014)
- You can pack up neatly in any confined space.rnYou don't have to spread the glider out or walk around to pack. You can sit under the only shady tree
and pack in cool comfort. I often pack up in the small living room of my apartment without moving the furniture around.rnrn- The packed glider can be
any shape you want.rnIt is easy to fold the wing twice or three times to fit into any configuration in the bag you want.rnrn- When not using the
glider you can lay it flat out still packed in the tube.rnFor longer term storage it is easy to open out the tube and let the glider air in
uncompressed comfort, but still confined and protected by the tube.rnrn- When setting up you can leave the glider in the tube until the last
minute.rnTrue you can do that with the glider attached to the harness but still in the bag. If you're careful you can open the zipper of the tube and
pull the glider straight up into the air.rnrn- It covers up your glider and stops you getting obsessed about how flat everything is when folding.rnrn-
It keeps your mylars, or whipper snipper wires, flat.
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